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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Boys VS. Girls

I always wondered who is better girls or boys it's an age old question :-? It could be girls because they give birth and all or boys cause were just more athletic (those who think I put girls 1St coz there better then youre wrong because best for last hahaha) So I still wonder the smartest man is a boy supermodels are mostly girls and the fastest runner is jamaican (so random) Well what do you guys think about it!!!!!! Just leave a coment Please

Song versions

This recent weekend I went to PNP just to visit our old house then it got kinda late so we ended up eating there. While we ate I heard a guy's version of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun And I saw in google more boy versions of girl songs and vice versa like You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift So what do you think would be a good girls / guys version of a song ?????

Monday, February 8, 2010


I dont really like basketball but I heard Lebron scored 47 Points (including 24 POINTS in the 1st half )in the Cavaliers-Knicks game. It left everyone (even the KNICKS) in complete awe(which is a good thing cause of the sportsmanship they showed ). Well Congratulations to the Cleveland Cavaliers And to the knicks well BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME to all of you


It's my very 1st post and I hope you guys read my blog =)) My friend made a blog last year and I thought I'd give it a try and now here I am. We had a slap bet that I would get more HITS than her by next Month!!!!!! I wannt you guys to help me right now she has 330 HITS and I wanna beat her!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help me!!!!!!!! And who do you think will win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!